The Most Important Accessory: The Bridal Bouquet

The Most Important Accessory: The Bridal Bouquet


Tatiana Porembova

Ah, yes, the bespoke bridal gown – your \”piece de resistance\”, that beautiful dress you have dreaming of your entire life. It\’s incredible, though, how many brides ruin the impact of a gorgeous dress with a careless choice of bouquet – it can actually ruin the silhouette and the overall impact of the gown. While the bouquet does not necessarily have to match your gown\’s style style, it should at least match your body type and the drape of your gown. Just what do we mean by that? Read on to find out.

A little history

These days, you don\’t have to carry around garlic and herbs on your wedding day to ward off jealous evil spirits that would carry you off into the void. But the original bridal bouquet\’s purpose was not just merely decorative – it symbolised the bride\’s fertility, her freshness and the new life a couple was embarking on. Queen Victoria, who popularised the white bridal gown, carried dill in her bouquet, which they then ate! It was thought to increase fertility and lust.


The modern bouquet

These days, your bridal bouquet will be your personal choice of flowers arranged to your liking. Most brides choose a selection of their favourite flowers or match the bouquet with the other arrangements. But the most important thing for your bouquet is that it should complement your bespoke bridal gown. Different gown styles require different bouquet styling. It is not just a matter of \”if you have a huge gown, you need a big bouquet\”.

Getting it right

Your bouquet should complement your body shape and the dress too. Knowing your body shape can help you not only select the best dress to show off your (pick one) a) curves b) great arms c) shapely back, etc, it can help you decide between a round bouquet, a long cascade or doing away with a bouquet all together. A petite bride may not be able to carry off a super long cascade bouquet, but a pageant style bouquet could bring out her lovely collarbones and draw the eye to the beautiful lines of her dress.

The design of your bespoke bridal gown plays a heavy role in this. Say you go for a huge, princess-style ballerina ballroom gown and the general theme of your wedding is really a fairytale extravaganza. It makes sense to request a large, cascade bouquet to complement the theme. But if you just love the dress and want a more conservative look, you may want to consider a smaller, more delicate bouquet. Vintage dresses often fare better with traditionally-styled bouquets, which complement the dreamy, classic look and contemporary dresses look great with experimental bouquets and modern styling.

Don\’t be afraid to visit different shops and suppliers to try out different bouquets. Listen to your florist and wedding stylist – they often know the best kind of bouquet to fit your taste, look and budget. Keep prices down by choosing seasonal flowers – the best thing is, there are as many different options as there are flowers.

In the end, your bouquet style will be decided by your personal taste, the theme and look of the wedding and, of course, your bespoke bridal gown. Half the fun, you lucky girl, is deciding!

Looking for a

bespoke bridal gown

? Tatiana Porembova is one of the leading wedding designers in London and her work spans a range of styles and influences. Based in Richmond, she can create a beautiful bespoke bridal gown and bridesmaids outfits to provide the perfect garments for the perfect day.

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