A Progressive Era Of The Short Lived Revival

By Paul Hu

In 2008, the Democratic Party has captured the White House and Congress, to achieve unified government hospital. At that time, the U.S. liberals, particularly liberal group of intellectuals tend to cry, this is the funeral of neo-conservatism, a new “Progressive Era” campaign officially kicked off. But two years, Democrats control the House of Representatives put the return of the Republican Party. Although the Democratic Party barely hold the Senate, but the hospital has formed a pattern of confrontation between the government, Obama could become a lame duck president.

“Progressive Era” refers to the 1890s to the 1920s in the USA to set off a “clean government” as the main objective of the reform wave of social activities. “Progressive era” is to cut collusion respected, the Government passed to take on more public responsibilities, the plundering of the consortia to compete to protect the public interest. If Obama took office two years ago, ready to promote liberal reforms, can be called “Progressive Era” revival, then the last three decades than the last time that field, but this round of two-year recovery period is also short-lived pitiful.

The Democratic Party lost a lot of people will blame the economy. Clinton-era phrase “stupid, this is the economy,” as many Democrats seem to be reluctantly like the shoulders shrugged provides an excellent reason. Indeed, in January 2009, Obama came to power, took over from Bush hands a mess. Two years later, the real estate market is still overflowing bubble, investors and consumers are still scared, still double-digit unemployment rate is even, and the most fatal is the fiscal deficit is huge attention startling.


However, when the Republicans call him too left, the traditional left-wing and his lack of courage to go further, indicating most of the past two years is a compromise of various legislation, this middle line deserves the support of centrist.

The paradox is that this election reflects the dissatisfaction is centrist. Obama’s personal popularity, two years ago, Liu Cheng fell from less than four as now, “tea party” of the rise, but also to join the centrist. Many people understand, why did Barack Obama meet the interests of the middle, but still so centrist that he did not listen to their demands? The real reason is that two years ago that that election is not truly representative of “progressive era” of the Renaissance, the Americans have not completely from the “big market, small government,” the myth of self-examination over.

Cornell University scholar Elizabeth Sanders in the latest issue of “Public Administration Review” published “American Progressive Era Implications for China” article. According to her view, the United States into the Progressive Era a century ago, the community has a range of social issues and the response has been a broad consensus, when the spirit of the times, is “inclined to collectivism and expansive model of governance” . Look back to the United States today. Like autumn leaves Democratic sweep two years ago, sweeping the White House and Congress, of course, reflect the psychological change American voters, but this change was the main cornerstone of Bush do not like the war in Iraq into a quagmire. The flag by the anti-war, the first setback for McCain after Hillary Clinton defeated Barack Obama, the White House thrust health care reform, but often neglected phenomena, and finally won a castrated health care bill. This explains, in the “big government” issue to centrist not Zhuanguo Wan. Without their support, social consensus out of the question, saying revival of the Progressive Era, I am afraid more of the academic human wishful thinking.

Sanders applied point of view, the United States to have “progressive era” is a bottom-up by means of social drive. So, that the United States in 2008 into the “revival of the Progressive Era,” is just an illusion. In a democracy, left-wing liberals in the most practical approach is to compromise the progress of social consensus to consolidate the results. Unfortunately, the past two years the biggest, the House Democrats, preferring to have been a buffer in the left-right conflict in the role of the President as their puppet, so centrist initiation huge dissatisfaction. Indeed, although this phantom-like “the revival of the Progressive Era,” only for a short-lived two years, but the spirit of democracy, perhaps the most valuable is this, the decision is always in the voters hands.

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