5 Very Simple Natural Overnight Acne Cures}

5 Very Simple Natural Overnight Acne Cures


zechong cai

Acne can affect your entire life and not just your skin. Your relationship with the opposite sex will also be greatly affected. You will be so ashamed of your appearance and so afraid of rejection that maintaining a healthy romantic relationship will be very difficult. Acne affects 85% of teenagers & many adults as well. The sheer number of products to treat acne can cause further distress; here’s how to find the best treatment for you.


1. Speaking of healthy diet. Eating green leafy vegetables is a great way to flush your system. Similar to water these types of foods naturally cleanse your body of toxins. And don’t forget to throw in plenty of those fruits high in antioxidants.2. Herbs such as dandelion, licorice, red sage, bark of moutan, bark of mulberry trees and feverfew are used in traditional Chinese medicines for dealing with acne breakouts. To add to these, chrysanthemum, cape jasmine, Chinese angelica, coptis red peony and seeds of tangerine are other kinds of Chinese herbs are also used. These products are also included in the list of herbal remedies for acne scars3. Vitamin B6 may help reduce acne by helping to balance hormones. Vitamin B6 is found in meat, fish, poultry, whole grains, beans, lentils, avocados, nuts, potatoes, bananas, and leafy greens.4. Another home remedy is one involving lemon; all that has to be done is to apply lemon juice regularly over acne. This helps in reducing both acne and pimples. Garlic too is effective in curing acne. All that has to be done is to rub raw garlic over acne several times a day.5. You might find this hard to believe but relieving stress can actually help get rid of acne as well. High stress level have been know to tamper with the natural production of certain hormones. Over production of some hormones can adversely affect your sebum glands which produce the natural oil for your face.

Author is an online medical researcher on acne treatment and skin care. Click read more on

acne treatment


natural ways to get rid of acne


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5 Very Simple Natural Overnight Acne Cures}

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